In a work place environment, it is important to have some standards set in order to provide and maintain safety measures. For such issues, one should hire a safety consultant who must possess knowledge about safe practices to happen at a work place. A safety consultant is a person who has to ensure and inspect different work places with regards to the safety and check whether they comply with the federal and state laws or not. To make it simpler for you, lets find out the duties of a safety consultant.
1. Evaluation of a place
The core duty and task of a safety consultant is to analyze the work place environment and check as to whether it is a safe working place or not. It is specified in the contractual agreement about the number of times the consultant must visit the place in order to perform his duty. Some of the basis that is checked are whether warning signs are placed for employees or not, if proper protective equipment is provided to the team or not and so one.
2. Safety Training
A safety consultants job is not only to assess the place but also to ensure that periodic safety trainings are provided to the employees. One of the basic training that every safety consultant should perform is to guide them about the fire extinguisher and hence, conduct a fire drill activity. It is also the responsibility of the consultant to choose one of the employees and provide them with extra training so they may train the newly recruited people in the firm on behalf of the consultant you can also have the ISO 9001 consulting services that can give a best results.
3. Safety Manual
Developing safety manual is also a job of a safety consultant in order to have everything documented and have on paper with regards to safety measures to be taken by employees in case of any emergency. The consultant must work with the management team and come up with safety plans and have them on paper. In fact, these manuals are handed over to human resources department to be further given to every newly hired employee so that they may be aware of the safe practices that are to be practices by an individual.
Hope the above stated guidelines gave you a brief about the main tasks and responsivities that a safety consultant must offer. If you have a safety consultant hired for your organization, make sure that they are fulfilling their duties that are mentioned above and if not, well, its time to get your self a new safety consultant as one should not risk with the life of employees who are there to play a vital role in the organizations success.